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9 Dec 2022

L’erreur judiciaire, le cancer de notre système légal

Rendre justice est une tache extrêmement noble, mais difficile. Il est impossible de rendre notre système judiciaire infaillible puisque notre système légal a été conçu par l’homme et l’erreur est humaine.

Quel malheur pourrait bien faire passer une personne honnête, sans histoires pour quelqu’un de malhonnête, voir un vulgaire criminel ? Ce malheur existe et elle porte un nom : l’erreur judiciaire.

L’erreur judiciaire, le cancer de notre système légal

2 Dec 2022

Identity fraud & Importance of Digital Identity

The act of collecting personal information from an individual and using it to carry out criminal acts by usurping their identity is at the very heart of identity theft. The consequences of same are highly detrimental to both the people targeted and the corporate world.

Businesses need to constantly assess their identity verification process to remain trusted by their customers. Documents such as passports, identity cards and driving licences were used to verify the identity of a person. With the digital era, these documents were transferred to the digital world by simply converting them in the digital format. Then there was the need to ensure that the person presenting the digital format of the document was really the true owner of same. Now the Artificial Intelligence Era demands more…

Without a standard process and a central authority to confirm the legitimacy of an identity, businesses may suffer specially when it comes to new laws and regulations regarding verification.

As regulations impose more demanding verification processes, it will become increasingly necessary for businesses to select a trustworthy solution, which takes care of verification quickly and effectively.

Your digital behaviour dictates your digital identity and will soon be part of the verification process.

Download the document to read more and let me have your views……

Identity fraud & Importance of Digital Identity

20 Nov 2022

Business Email Compromise

Business email compromise (BEC) is a type of cyber crime scam in which an attacker uses emails to target and defraud a company. BEC is a growing concern targeting organisations of all sizes across every industry around the world including countries. BEC scams have exposed victims to billions of dollars in potential losses. Watch out!

Business Email Compromise

5 Nov 2022

How Secured is your Data?

Are you aware what information your devices are sending and to whom? Do you read all terms and conditions before granting access and/or permission to our devices? Are you aware of the entity which you grant permission to access data on your mobile phone each and every time you download an application? Do you actually know which data are you giving these entities access? Have you ever asked yourself what these companies do with your personal data? Are you aware of Ransomware?

How Secured is your Data?
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